The Most Lucrative Careers for Men in STEM Fields

Written: editor | June 7, 2023

Computer and Information Research Scientist

The average annual salary for a computer and information research scientist is over $122,000, making it one of the most lucrative careers in the technology field. These professionals conduct research on complex computer systems and develop new technologies to advance various industries. With a job growth rate much faster than average at 15%, this career offers promising opportunities for those entering the technology job search.

To pursue this career, individuals typically need a graduate degree, such as a master’s or doctorate in computer science or a related field. A strong foundation in mathematics, including calculus and statistics, is also essential. Many employers prefer candidates with practical experience through internships or research projects during their college education.

Computer and information research scientists play crucial roles in various sectors, including academia, government agencies, private corporations, and nonprofit organizations. They contribute to advancements in fields like cybersecurity, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, robotics, and data analysis.

Overall employment of computer and information research scientists is projected to grow significantly due to the increasing demand for new technologies across different industries. As businesses continue to rely on big data analytics and cloud computing solutions for decision-making processes and operations management; job growth and new jobs are integral to driving innovation forward.

Computer Network Architect

Designing and implementing secure, company-wide computer networks is the primary responsibility and job duties of a computer network architect. These professionals ensure that data communication networks are efficient, reliable, and secure.

With a median annual wage exceeding $112,000, computer network architects enjoy lucrative salary for their expertise in creating and maintaining complex networks. This high earning potential makes it an attractive career choice for individuals with a passion for technology, problem-solving, and math.

Furthermore, the field is expected to see a 5% job growth in the coming years. This projected growth indicates sustained demand for skilled professionals who can design robust and scalable networks to support businesses’ growing reliance on digital operations.

Data Scientist

Data scientists are professionals who utilize statistical techniques to analyze data and make valuable business insights. They play a crucial role in interpreting complex data, identifying trends, and creating strategies to aid decision-making processes.

The median salary for data scientists is approximately $98,000 per year, making it one of the most lucrative STEM careers. This high earning potential reflects the increasing demand for individuals with expertise in handling large datasets and extracting meaningful information from them.

According to labor statistics, data scientist positions are projected to have a rapid job growth of 31%. This surge in new jobs underscores the critical need for skilled professionals in the stem field who can navigate through vast amounts of data efficiently.

To pursue a career as a data scientist, individuals typically require at least a bachelor’s degree in fields such as mathematics, statistics, or computer science. Many employers prefer candidates with advanced degrees such as master’s or Ph.D., especially for higher-level jobs within this STEM field.

Database Architect

Database architects are responsible for designing and constructing database solutions for organizations, playing a critical role in managing and organizing data efficiently.

The median annual salary for database architects surpasses $100,000, making it one of the most lucrative STEM careers. This high earning potential is reflective of the increasing demand for professionals with expertise in managing complex data systems and new jobs.

With an anticipated job growth rate of 9%, the field of database architecture offers promising opportunities for new jobs. As businesses continue to rely on large volumes of data to inform their decisions, the need for skilled professionals who can create robust and secure databases is only expected to rise.


Epidemiologists play a crucial role in public health by investigating patterns and causes of diseases within populations. They collect and analyze data to help prevent future outbreaks and develop strategies for disease control.

The median salary for epidemiologists with a degree is approximately $70,990 per year, making it one of the lucrative careers in the field of health and STEM occupations. With the increasing focus on preventive healthcare measures, there is an expected 5% job growth for epidemiologists over the next decade.

These professionals work across various sectors, including government agencies, hospitals, universities, and pharmaceutical companies. Their job duties may involve conducting interviews with patients or gathering information from medical records to identify trends or potential risk factors associated with diseases.

Moreover, epidemiologists are instrumental in responding to public health emergencies such as pandemics or natural disasters by providing evidence-based recommendations for disease control and prevention strategies. By analyzing statistical data related to illnesses or injuries within specific communities or populations, they contribute significantly to improving overall public health outcomes.

Information Security Analyst

Information security analysts play a vital role in safeguarding organizations’ computer systems and networks from cyber threats. By analyzing potential vulnerabilities and implementing security measures, they ensure the protection of sensitive data.

The median annual wage for information security analysts surpasses $99,730, making it one of the most lucrative careers in the STEM field. This high earning potential reflects the significant demand for skilled STEM professionals in this role.

With a predicted job growth rate of 31%, information security analysts in the STEM field are poised to experience substantial career opportunities in the coming years. The increasing frequency and sophistication of cyber attacks have led to a surge in demand for experts who can fortify digital infrastructures against evolving threats.

In today’s increasingly digitized world, businesses across industries are recognizing the critical importance of cybersecurity to stem cyber threats. As a result, information security analysts are integral to an organization’s risk management strategy and overall operational resilience.

The rising prevalence of remote work arrangements and cloud-based technologies further amplifies the need for robust cybersecurity measures, underscoring the continued relevance and value of professionals specializing in information security.

Market Research Analyst or Marketing Specialist

Market research analysts and marketing specialists play a crucial role in helping companies make informed decisions by analyzing market conditions, consumer behaviors, and STEM. They gather data on consumers, competitors, and market conditions to understand potential sales of a product or service.

The median annual salary for these professionals stands at around $65,810, making it an attractive career option within the STEM field. This figure can vary based on factors such as experience, education level, and the industry worked in.

One of the most compelling aspects of this career is its expected rapid job growth of 18%. This rate is significantly faster than the average for all occupations. As businesses become more data-driven and customer-centric, there is an increasing demand for individuals who can interpret complex data sets to guide strategic business decisions.

Moreover, with advancements in technology and big data analytics tools becoming more accessible, the role of market research analysts and marketing specialists continues to evolve. Professionals in this field are increasingly leveraging advanced analytics techniques to derive actionable insights from large volumes of consumer data.

Software Developer

Software developers are responsible for creating computer software used in various applications and industries. They design, develop, and test software to meet the needs of businesses and individuals.

The median annual wage for software developers exceeds $110,140, making it one of the most lucrative STEM careers available. This high earning potential is a result of the increasing demand for skilled STEM professionals in this field.

The anticipated job growth rate for software developers stands at an impressive 22%, far exceeding the average growth rate across all occupations. As technology continues to advance and more businesses rely on custom software solutions, the need for qualified STEM applicants will only continue to rise.

In addition to technical skills, such as programming languages and development tools knowledge, employers often seek candidates with relevant work experience or internships. A bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related STEM field is generally required; however, some individuals have found success through coding boot camps or self-taught expertise.

Biomedical Engineer

Biomedical engineers play a crucial role in developing innovative stem medical equipment, devices, and software solutions that advance the field of medicine. Their work directly impacts patient care and healthcare outcomes.

The median salary for biomedical engineers is approximately $91,410 per year, making it one of the more lucrative STEM careers available. This substantial earning potential reflects the high demand for individuals with specialized skills in engineering and medicine.

This career path in STEM is predicted to have a fast job growth rate of 5%, which exceeds the average for all occupations. As the healthcare industry continues to evolve with technological advancements, there will be an increasing need for professionals who can bridge the gap between engineering and medicine.

With their expertise in both fields, biomedical engineers are well-positioned to contribute significantly to various aspects of healthcare innovation. From designing advanced prosthetics to creating cutting-edge diagnostic tools, these professionals, including those working in stem research, are at the forefront of revolutionizing medical practices and improving patient care.

Petroleum Engineer

Petroleum engineers are responsible for designing and developing methods to extract oil and gas from deposits beneath the Earth’s surface. They work on improving extraction processes, ensuring maximum efficiency while minimizing environmental impact.

The median annual wage for petroleum engineers is over $137,720, making it one of the most lucrative careers in STEM fields. This high earning potential reflects the critical role these STEM professionals play in the energy industry.

Despite its high earning potential, job growth for petroleum engineers is expected to be slower-than-average at 3%. This projection suggests that while opportunities exist, competition may be fierce due to limited new openings.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does a Computer and Information Research Scientist do?

A Computer and Information Research Scientist conducts research to create new computing technology or improve existing technology. They also find innovative uses for existing technology.

How much does a Data Scientist earn on average?

Data Scientists can earn an average salary of $120,000 per year, but this can vary based on experience, location, and the specific industry they work in.

What are the responsibilities of an Information Security Analyst?

Information Security Analysts are responsible for protecting an organization’s computer systems and networks from cyber threats. This includes monitoring for security breaches, installing security software, conducting penetration testing, and implementing STEM education.

What skills are important for a Software Developer to possess?

Software Developers should have strong programming skills in languages like Java, Python, or C++, as well as problem-solving abilities and creativity to develop efficient solutions.

Why is Biomedical Engineering considered a lucrative career?

Biomedical Engineering applies engineering principles to healthcare-related technologies such as medical equipment design and development, making it lucrative. The demand for advancements in medical technology continues to drive opportunities in this field.